What a fun filled month this has been. We were able to visit Seaside to see all the Smith family!! Aunt Dani came over for a few days! We went swimming with Kristy and Malia, and we found a great Pediatrician for Zach, he loves her (we’ve been there twice this month). Zach got his first cold this month, which really wasn’t fun. He grew to like the nasal aspirator fortunately but if you sneak up on him with it, he flips out. Don’t know why, I mean having some foreign object shoved up your nose should brighten anyone’s day, really. We felt so bad for the little guy he just couldn’t breathe. Everything kept going down his throat and then he would try to cough it up or it would just come up as spit up, not pleasant for anyone involved. It is so sad when a baby gets sick, they can’t tell you what’s wrong or where it hurts or what is helping. They are just miserable and have to get through it the best they can hoping whomever is taking care of them has some magic cure up their sleeve. It only lasted a week but it felt like much longer.
Zach also got his first shot! Yes, all who know me may cringe at this but Zach did amazing. He let out a shocked yell and then Daddy picked him up and he was all smiles. Yes, I was waiting on the other side of the room trying not to impart my dreaded needle fear upon my little boy. Oh and Jesse and I have to get our pertussis and tetanus boosters. Yeah, I’m freaking out. I’m nearly 24 years old, been through labor, and had my blood taken about a million times in the last few months, what can I say, I’m completely irrational but maybe one day I’ll conquer the needle fear.
Seaside was all kinds of fun. Our first challenge was the long drive. We stopped multiple times but made it there in one piece. Zach met all his Smith cousins. When Damien first saw him, he came up to him and poked him in the nose (not on the nose…in the nose). Memphis and Gavin got to hold him, which was really cute. Zach has gotten so big he didn’t look as small in their little arms as he does in ours. We got to do some fun stuff while we were there. Went out to eat, bought some wonderful fudge, had a marshmallow roasting fire in the backyard, and took some great family photos. It was also Gramma Smith and Damien’s birthday, so we got to have a few celebrations!! We also found out there will be another Smith coming in April!! We are already excited to meet this little surprise (boy or girl?).
We had some fun in this warm weather over at the Days home. Zach experienced the swimming pool for the first time. He hates baths so we were weary as to his feelings about a pool but he was our little smiley guy. His diaper expanded to a size I didn’t even think possible but that didn’t seem to bother him.
We also had a fun visit from Aunt Dani. She stayed with us for a few days and had to endure our crazy family. She thinks we’re strange but we just like to laugh. We brought out the toys for this visit; I think they both enjoyed themselves!
We have also started using the exersaucer. Zach is just a bit too short so we have a blanket on the bottom so he can stand. He lights up when he gets in it…so many things to see and play with. He especially enjoys the teeter tautering pandas.
So I’ve already written about a book worth of stuff but I wanted to update on Zach’s development:
- He can almost roll over. He gets onto his side but can’t quite push hard enough to make the last flop happen.
- He is an expert stander and loves to hold onto your hands and walk up, down, sideways, in circles, and every other way possible.
- He is mastering the toy grabbing technique at the moment. He can grasp anything that is cloth, but he has a bit of trouble with all that hard plastic stuff. His favorite toy is a red rooster with blue wings that makes that crinkly sound. He’ll pick it out of any line up.
- He is one big drooly mess. He attacks shirts, pants and anything else he manages to get his juicy mouth on.
- He loves tummy time. He is getting much better at lifting his body up. His legs move about a mile a minute but his arms haven’t quite caught up with him yet.
Helping his Daddy |