Saturday, December 4, 2010

Splish Splash!

Zach had his first official big boy bath today! He's never really taken a bath before.  We have always taken him in the shower...which he thoroughly enjoys.  The first time we tried to put his naked little tush in the bathtub, it sounded like we were torturing him.  So we swore off any further bath adventures.  I don't know what was in the air today or why we decided to take another crack at the ol' bathtub but Zach had a blast.  He splashed and tried to eat everything, he found the drain and the little metal circle thingy under the faucet.  He prefers to sit close to the faucet and play with the water as it comes down.  Jesse and I both have just wonderful experiences from our childhood bath days..ha.  Zach seems to love them...unlike his mommy, and is a bit more cautious...unlike his daddy.  I still think we'll take him in the shower most often but the occasional bath will at least be lots of fun (but, too much work!)

                                                         There were too many great pictures!