Thursday, September 1, 2011

Zachie Is Learning So Much

I love this kid.  He is so funny and loving and smart as can be.  He has been communicating through sign language recently.  It makes him really happy to be able to tell us what he wants and not have to repeat himself a billion times before his loony parents get the idea.  However, when we don't understand he does get quite frustrated.  Right now he says:

Thank you
All Done
I don't know
Uh Oh
Amen (this one he says with words not hands)

We are teaching I love you right now, it hasn't caught on yet but we will keep trying.

He also knows some random body parts.  We have never really pushed these but he just picked them up from his books.  He pats his head, rubs his ears, tickles his toes and pounds on his belly.  He is such a silly kid when we give him milk at nap time or bed time.  He will take it and go sit on his Elmo couch and then proceed to lift up his shirt and stick his finger in his belly button while drinking his milk.  It is a pretty funny sight.

Other than talking to us he is a fantastic listener (except when it comes to buttons!) We can ask him to get his milk and he will go to the fridge, take a bath and he will go straight there, get in bed and he will go to his bed, sit down, lay down, lets go, outside results in him pounding of the front door to get out.  The only one that does not produce good results is when you tell him it is time for a diaper change then he runs the other way!  One thing we didn't really push but showed as an example was to fold your arms and bow your head when saying prayers, he now does it whenever we pray and then yells out Amen when we are done.

Some of his favorite things right now are Elmo, Blue's Clues, Bear in the Big Blue House, coloring, running on his own or with daddy in the stroller, books of course, and shoes.

This kid has been so much fun to watch.  He is an absolute sponge.  I'm excited to see all the new things he picks up on over the coming months.