Friday, May 11, 2012

Zachie's Birthday Is Coming Soon

Yeah for parties!!  We are so excited to have another birthday with our awesome little man.  We are doing the same thing as last year because well Zachie hasn't suddenly started hating parks so that is where we will be.

I dislike how much they can charge for party decorations and invites and such.  However, we just can't help ourselves.  I didn't want to buy invites though so we made them.  Hopefully everyone will get one soon but until then...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Zachie Loves His Little Sister

We ask Zachie if he wants to hold Olivia daily, he always says no.  Today, he said YES!  Jesse ran for the camera and Olivia put on her brave face.  He loved every minutes of it.  He was laughing and giving loves (what we call kisses).  We play tag with Zachie using Olivia as the "IT" person.  This is really the only time he will let her touch him so holding her was a big deal!!!


Loves again!

Wrestling time...this is where Olivia decided she was done touching Zachie.  Ha my two crazy babies.  They will love each other one day right?!?
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Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Cuteness

Ahhh, We sure do love this little girl.  She is a great baby.  She absolutely loves lights, but not the sun.  She holds her head up like it's no big deal or anything.  She is super strong.  She loves kisses.  Certain blankets can calm her down instantly.  She wants to eat almost every 30 minutes.  This makes sense since she only eats for five minutes at a time.


She will sit and stare at you like you are some superstar, we feel so special.  She loves her binky.  No matter where we are she will always turn toward mommy and daddy's voices.  She can sleep through any noise Zachie can dish out (this is true visa versa as well).  She has the most beautiful smile, although we only see it when she is sleeping.


She can fight crime in her sleep.  She can turn bright red in an instant, oh the poops! She loves loves loves soft fuzzy blankets.  If she falls asleep on you she will grab your shirt collar and never let go.


She is our little sweetheart and we love her.
PS we need way more awake pictures, you'd think she sleeps all the time from this post.

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Friday, May 4, 2012

When Our Zacheroo Is Sick

This poor boy got sick last week.  He woke up with a fever and slept most of the day.  I was folding the laundry in our bedroom and when I came out to be with Zachie this is what I found...

He has his favorite sick movie, Monsters, Inc., his Lightning Mcqueen car, and the basketball blanket.  Our poor boy.

This is how Daddy takes care of mister Zacheroo...all wrapped up in Daddy's sweatshirt.
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